About the Twin Cities Airedale Terrier Club
Established in 1975, the Twin Cities Airedale Terrier Club is the major hub for Airedale activities in Minnesota and the primary social and communication link for area owners and breeders.
TCATC collectively celebrates the virtues and versatility of the Airedale through promotion of an "ideal" standard by which the breed should be judged. Club members are interested in breeding quality Airedales to display their versatility in conformation & obedience show rings, tracking, hunting, barn hunts, nose work and more! The club has more than 50 members, including devoted pet owners. A number of club members also have active roles in the Airedale Terrier Club of America – the national AKC (American Kennel Club) parent club.
The club sponsors a variety of events. Examples are grooming, tracking and obedience seminars, social events, and a specialty show, sweepstakes and obedience trial each year. TCATC was the first and is currently one of the few Airedale specialty clubs to offer obedience competition at its shows. All club activities are open to members and non-members.
Please consider becoming a member of TCATC. It is a great way to share our passion for our beloved breed, make friends and enjoy “Airedale stories” as only Airedale owners can understand!