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Officers & Board Members
Margie Sinex
Wendy Wustenberg
Alice Leighton

Jen Schultz
Wendy Wustenberg TCATC.jpg
Leighton Alice bio.jpg

In our 1st 3 official Barn Hunt runs Ma’am - D’Aire HRH of Windswept Hill earned the RATN novice title. Such fun watching that Airedale nose & drive at work! Our farm is her kingdom & we are her staff. 

Alice Leighton - Chanhassen, MN

Montgomery of Valleyview Place “Montey” Valleyview’s H.J. Potter “Harry” Member for 12 years Airedales are game for anything.  Our family has included them in all our outdoor activities.  I have also trained and competed with them in the sport of obedience with great success. 

​Member at large: Nancy Firth, Sue Basham and Melissa Sonnenberg


Member Emeritus: Marion Pierson

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